Saturday, January 31, 2009

Survived the First Month!

The first benchmark of my peace corps service has come and gone. I completed my first month out at post with no major mishaps! With so much I have experienced it is hard to know where to start, so I thought I would give you some highlights:

-walking around a lake surrounded by grass in the middle of sand dunes and laying in the branches of a baobob tree
-meeting the most well known sheik in west Africa and eating lunch with his wife
-getting peed on by babies three times in one day
-solo dance parties and photo shoots in my hut
-listening to people react to anything I do with "Irkoy Beeri" (God is Big)
-laughing fits in the back of bush taxis with my friend Errin (no wonder they stare at the crazy white people)
-old people who's faces light up every time I walk by and greet them
-getting asked to take endless husbands and babies to America
-phone calls from my family and Zoe!
-learning Zarma dance, apparently I'm pretty good
-amazing sunsets over the sahel

In all it was a great month. I'm really happy here and I know it will only get better as I continue to improve my Zarma. I will be able to have meaningful conversations. I just posted pictures on my shutterfly site so you can see what my new life looks like. Thanks to everyone who has sent me letters and packages!

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