My house is huge with two rooms and a nice concession. I have had some bug issues because there hasn't been someone living there for the past three years. Within the first 24 hours, I killed hundreds of spiders, a cockroach, a scorpion, dodged wasps flying in and out of their nests, and had a face off with a mouse who has built his home under my floor. But suprisingly I handled it all very well.
Kiota, the nearest town to me is a beautiful 45 minute walk away along a tree-lined street. I can get all the basics there. I asked my friend where I can charge my cell phone, and she took me into the sheik's consession and said they will charge it for me whenever I want. Not many people can say that. I should get to meet him when I move in permanently. I get full cell phone reception at my house so try giving me a call whenever you want, as long as it's not the middle of the night.
So it's taken some effort, but I got some pictures up. Enjoy. The last one is of my host sister during wedding festivities. I don't always dress like this, but it was fun for the occassion. Can't wait to hear from you all!

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